Used Dental Articulators | Hanau Facebow
The Hanau™ earpiece facebow is used to capture and record the patient's maxillary arch and its relationship to the external auditory meatus. It is capable of preserving this clinically accepted relationship and transferring Hanau™ Wide-Vue, Wide-Vue II and Radial Shift Articulators or other brand articulator.
- Auto-centering
- Sterilizable
- Economical
- Detachable transfer clamp assembly
- Accessory indexes
- Built-in reference pointer
- Automatically centers for outstanding accuracy
- Autoclavable for cross-contamination control
- Allows for multiple measurements with only one facebow required
- Allows for transfer clamp assembly to be used with DENAR®, SAM, Whip-Mix articulators
- Facilitates in aligning the measuring bow with the horizontal reference plane